
Gift cards have become a popular way to show appreciation, love and gratitude to our loved ones. However, what happens when we receive a gift card that we know we may never use or we want to exchange it for cash? The good news is that you can trade your gift card for cash in minutes. In this post, we'll discuss the different options you have for cashing in your unwanted gift cards quickly. With keywords such as cash for gift cards and sell gift cards online instantly, read on to learn more.

Exchange your gift cards for cash instantly

If you have an unwanted gift card, there are several online platforms that allow you to sell them for cash quickly. These platforms provide a guaranteed payment amount, allowing you to exchange your gift card for cash instead of leaving it unused in your wallet. Some of the most popular platforms that allow you to get cash for gift cards include Cardpool, GiftCardBin, Raise, and CardCash.

Use CoinStar to turn your gift card into cash

If you have a physical gift card but would prefer pure cash instead, CoinStar kiosks offer an easy solution. You can trade in your unwanted gift cards to receive cash instantly. As long as your gift card has a balance of $20 or greater, you can take it to any Coinstar kiosk, which can be found in stores like Safeway, Walmart or CVS, and swap it out for cash.

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Exchange your gift cards with friends or family members

If you have a close relationship with someone who shops at the retailer, you can consider exchanging gift cards. Find someone, like a friend or family member, that shops regularly at the store where your gift card is valid. You can offer to trade your gift card for a cash payment.

Use a gift card exchange website

One of the best ways to turn your gift cards into cash is by using a gift card exchange platform, such as Gift Card Granny. This platform allows you to compare offers from different buyers and choose the one that gives you the most money. You can sell your gift cards for cash or trade them for other gift cards.

Use eBay to sell your gift cards

Another great way to sell your gift cards is through an online auction platform like eBay. With eBay, you can set your own price and wait for buyers to bid on your gift card. Make sure to take a good, clear picture of the gift card and include as much detail as possible about the card's expiration date and balance.


In conclusion, selling your gift cards for cash is a convenient way to turn that unwanted gift card into quick money. With a variety of options for selling, it is easier than ever to trade your gift cards for cash quickly. Whether you choose to use an online gift card exchange or sell your gift card on eBay, make sure you are getting a fair price for your gift card. With the keywords cash for gift cards and sell gift cards online instantly, start cashing in on your unwanted gift cards today!

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